The Diagnosis

Well I’ve never written a blog before…. so here goes!

July 6 2012 was like most days. Except that this particular day held great excitement for both Mike and I. We were off for our 20 week scan. Today we would find out if we were having a boy or a girl. Mike was convinced it was a girl, and just to be annoying and different I was convinced it was a boy!

So off we went… 1:20pm…scan time!

Baby Love was not being cooperative, she was upside down, back to front… but the radiologist was able to tell us that we were having a girl! We were both pretty excited, it didn’t really matter to us, as long as she was healthy.

The scan seemed to be dragging on for a bit, and the radiologist said she was having trouble getting pictures and measurements of her heart. She made me get up and touch my toes (which I could still do) and after some jumping around and walking and some water, still no progress. Baby Love was not showing her heart or face to anyone! The radiologist sent us off for a walk!

We came back half an hour later, and restarted the scan. She was spending a long time on her heart. It started to dawn on us, both of us that perhaps this wasn’t a normal amount of time to spend trying to get the right pictures.

“Is there something wrong?”, I asked. She sent for the lead radiologist, who came in and started to look for herself.

Finally she said, “The heart looks hypoplastic on the right side.”

I had no idea what this meant. I’m not sure if Mike did.

We were then sent for several tertiary scans and were given a pretty serious diagnosis…

She has Tricuspid Atresia, Hypoplastic Right Heart with Ventricular Septal Defect. Her heart was far from normal. But was beating strong and loud! About 150 beats per minute.

And so begins the journey that brings me to this blog….