2014 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 4,000 times in 2014. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 3 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

To My Daughter

To my little pocket toddler Chloe,

As 2014 draws to a close and we enter your third year of life, I can’t help but ponder all that is gone before. Just so you know, this is pretty normal for most people as New Year’s Eve approaches.

For me, for us, your mummy and daddy, the date of New Year’s Eve is a big one. It’s the anniversary of your first heart surgery. Two years ago, you were in heart failure and we got the word that instead of waiting another two weeks for surgery, it was best to get in and get it done now. So on the 31 December 2012 you went in for your first surgery.

Those emotions and feelings I had on that day were immense. You were only about four weeks old. And I’ll be honest with you, I didn’t know you. I didn’t know your personality, your likes and dislikes…I was still trying to figure you out. You were new, and fresh. Innocent. There is a small part of me that feels like the innocence was gone at that surgery, like the world had already taken you, scarred you…. Your smooth unpuckered chest was gone and replaced with your first battle scar.

It upset me. I don’t talk about it much, because it’s become my normal. But that day was the first day I really began to see how different our lives would be compared to the rest of the ‘world’.

And you know what? Little Miss Cheeky Chops? That day, I had no idea you would become this cheeky, spirited, determined little munchkin. I should have known. I mean, how  couldn’t you? You can’t be boxed in. Limited. A diagnosis won’t define you. You are becoming this little person that the world needs to learn from.

In the last two years you have done so much more than I could have ever have imagined possible. Around every corner is a new surprise, good and bad! We were told to prepare for a much bleaker outlook and yet, here we are. You’re 2! You have exceeded everything I could have imagined. Isn’t the future bright for you?

This year some huge milestones were achieved. All the talk in the first year of your life about eating and tube feeds. Everyone doubting, including me if I’m honest (a lesson to learn that I shouldn’t doubt you!) that you would ever eat or drink enough to thrive, and yet here we are! You haven’t had a tube for feeding for more than a few weeks ever, and now, it’s a thing of the past. We haven’t seen tube feeds since your last surgery more than a year ago! We still talk about this with surgeons and doctors, and if it happens one day, it will be the right decision for you.

What do you like to eat? You have shown me that it must be on your terms. You like blueberries. You like strawberries. Yogurt. Custard. Hash browns (but who doesn’t, they are yummy!) You love your pediasure, you have been drinking this now for 12 months.

This has given you your cute little cheeks, a little bit rounded, dimpled. Like mine! You have a little chubbiness on your arms and a cute little pot belly. I’ll be honest, sometimes I look at at chubby little toddlers with a bit of envy. Not because I think they are cute (because you’re the cutest in my eyes) but because I bet those toddlers eat without any intervention! It’s been a tough road, but I’ve learnt to surrender to your ‘habits’ and just go with it. You’ll eat when you want.

You are now just on 10kgs. And about 81.4cm tall! You are thriving! Albeit a little pocket sized. You know what? You are perfect to me in every way. Your blue eyes are oh so cheeky. Full of mischief. Sometimes I have a hard time knowing what is going on behind them as you babble away, but other times I can read you like a book. Especially when you walk over to something you know you shouldn’t do, turn back over your shoulder, give me a little smirk and then do it anyway! Such mischief! Your hair is starting to curl a little at the ends and I wonder in 12 months what it will look like! Will it curl like my hair? Or be straight like daddy’s?

And don’t get me started on your little hands. Sure your fingers are little a shorter than ‘most’ and your little finger curls a little inward. So what? You have the tiniest cutest little hands! These little hands are helping learn to use a fork and a spoon. The help you solve puzzles. They pull the dog’s ears! And tail sometimes too!

And your little mouth. Those luscious little lips. And when you giggle and laugh it turns upwards and causes those cute little dimples! And your teeth! Where are they all missy? You are still missing a few coming through, but I guess they are just hanging back waiting until they are ready! Like most of the things you do!

I said over and over again to the doctors and therapists that I believed you would walk before your 2nd birthday! And you did! One night in August, while playing before your bath upstairs, you pushed yourself to standing and off you went! From that moment on you have found your feet and there’s no stopping you! You got your first pair of AFOs, they had little bunnies on them! Very fitting since my nickname for you is Bunny!

In the last year you have achieved so much! You have crawled…then walked…you’ve eaten! You’ve gone to daycare! There were so many things I wondered if you would ever do, like walk on sand! Play with water! Be social… so many things we were told not to expect. But you are showing those doctors that you cannot be limited. They don’t know anything yet I suspect!

I love how you babble. You love to open books and babble away like you are reading it! You also like to mimic the dog! I’m not overly happy about this role play! Especially when you get down on all fours and lick the ground or pick up toys with your mouth just like Mini! I do just shake my head though, because you are stubborn and as much as I try to tell you that you are a little girl, not a dog, you don’t care! You think it’s funny and giggle!

Two years have gone. 2015 is nearly here. I feel like I only know the tiniest part of you and yet I feel like I know you completely. I’m not silly enough though to think that I do, you have so much more personality just waiting to show me. If the last two years has taught me anything it’s that you will continue to surprise and astonish those around you! You’re cheeky, you are independent! You don’t need to hold my hand to walk! You want to go! Sometimes too far! And oh boy, are you stubborn! I’m pretty sure this one comes from daddy!

Chloe, what an amazing little miracle you are. I love how you giggle when tickeled, and sign ‘more’ at me! Why would anyone like to be tickled all the time? I hate it! I love how you will sometimes crawl up on my lap and wrap your hands around my neck, then push with your feet on my legs for me to rock you. Then you get your hand and start patting me on the back, just like I pat you when you are upset! These moments are just a moment, a second or two before you are off again, but they are the best moments of my day!

Thank you for teaching me to be a better person. I’m a better mummy because you teach me every day that a surprise is just around the corner. The Bible talks about how we cannot imagine what God has planned for us. You have taught me that this is 100% true! My little wonder. My little cheeky monkey.

You are a treasure.

Looking forward to many more surprises in your 3rd year.

Love Mummy.

Tea for two?

Tea for two?