And she turns three!

I cannot believe another birthday is here for Chloe. It’s crazy to think that three years have gone and Chloe is a crazy and quirky toddler.

Birthdays are milestones, whether we like them or not. And often for kids, it’s a time to make a checklist of ‘what they should be doing’.

I have filled out my fair share of checklists of Chloe’s ‘limitations’. For assessments and doctors and therapists. Usually it’s a focus on what she can’t do, so we know her ceiling. Those lists are just a factual part of my life now.

You know the stuff… by this age the child should be able to….

By 1 it was crawl…. some even walk…

By 2 it was all about speaking….

By 3… well… suffice it to say I actually haven’t checked. I don’t need to. Because Chloe makes her own lists.

There’s a reason for this. I’ve heard this saying a lot over the last few years.

Don’t focus on what she can’t do, focus on what she can do.

So let’s focus on what Chloe CAN do on her 3rd birthday.

She can laugh. And giggle. Still her favourite things are the dog and dolls, but she has a new obsession this year. Curious George. She loves him, he makes her happy.

This is important, because it means that she does and can feel emotions. She is happy when she’s happy, and shows sadness when she is sad.

She can talk. Her words are around 50 now. Some are super clear. Like ‘George’ for Curious George, and some only mummy and daddy know! But I know when she asks for water, or milk or food. Usually! She makes requests to go outside and play. And sometimes she simply communicates by taking my hand and dragging me to where she wants to be!

She can run! Fast! She is super quick at getting away from me when she thinks it’s a fun game.

She role plays. She gets her dolls, she loves to put them to sleep. She feeds them and tries to change their nappies. She plays doctors with them, she’s rather adept at taking their blood pressure, listening to their heart and giving medicine! I wonder why!

She says Hi! And waves. She says Bye and waves. She gives cuddles to her friends.

She eats. Enough said.

She paints, and draws. She ‘colours’.

She jumps. She rides (sometimes on a horse!). She can do a puzzle. She can go down a slide. And the swing! How she loves the swing!

She loves to ‘read’ books. Nothing is cuter than when she gets two books, yes, two books, and climbs up next to you on the couch. She will pass you one, saying ‘here’ and take one for herself. She turns the pages and babbles. Looking at the pictures.

She points at things and says ‘Uh Oh!’

She loves butterflies (die dies – this is how she pronounces them)… and was chasing one in our front yard yesterday morning.

Chloe can go to the doctor and let them listen to her heart, check her blood pressure and do an ECG like a champion.

She can take a selfie!

She walks on sand. And grass. And playground surfaces! This is a huge one!

She goes to daycare, makes friends. She plays in the sandpit, sings along to music and eats lunch with her friends.

She dances! This one makes me super happy. Chloe loves nothing better than to do the ‘Hokey Pokey’, it’s honestly the song that never ends when she starts!

I could be here all night. Just listing things about what my amazing little miracle can do. And although there are some things I’m just aching to hear (like I love you mummy!) I know that in time, they’ll come in whatever way Chloe shows this. For now I’ll take the kisses (which have just started) and the cuddles.

And treasure the little tornado that she is.

Happy Birthday sweet girl. I’m lucky to be your mummy. (I know Daddy is proud of you too).