Routine surgery

Well… the tonsils are gone. Adenoids are gone. Grommets in.

Chloe went into theatre on Friday morning. She had a little sedative before hand (medaz) to relax her….


Here we are waiting in pre op with our lovely hats on. Chloe was out of it!  And acting quite funny with it.

Everything went smoothly with the surgery and there were no issues under the anaesthesia.

Chloe went straight to PICU aa requested by her cardiologist. When I got there the nurse was trying to calm one angry feisty Chloe. She pulled the ng tube out and was upset for a long time. Eventually falling asleep on my lap. Where she pretty much remained for 6 or so hours.

PICU were great and suggested we get a bed and I lie down with her. So that night she snuggled into me and co slept. Not much sleep was had by mummy.

It’s been two years since we were in PICU or had any kind of hospital stay like this at this children’s hospital. I couldn’t help,  and still can’t help looking at the babies being cared for post surgery and remember those days for us. Up on the ward I still think about it. I want to help those mums cuddling their babies by buying them a coffee or something!  It’s so hard to shower. ..go to the toilet or get a drink when you are in hospital.

Things weren’t that smooth sailing yesterday and getting Dr’s to listen to our needs with Chloe and everyone agree seems to be our biggest battle. Understanding that she doesn’t eat much ever or drink much ever is always a hard concept for them. I imagine they have their expectations and adjusting them can be hard. But Chloe forges her own path.

Much like the path she’s chosen in this ward ‘car’ doing laps. …another parent has nicknamed her ‘Peter Brock’.


And in typical Chloe fashion, much as I expected,  chloe’s sensory issues have reared their ugly head. It’s taking a long time to try and settle her, even with sleep meds on board and she’s quite hyper and frantic when playing. Everyone keeps saying to me ‘ she’s so busy’, and yeah,  that’s what she does.

This morning we went down a terrific service offered by the hospital where children can be supervised by staff and volunteers to play and do craft. Chloe was in her element and made a reindeer crown and a glittery butterfly.


I’ve had a lot of trouble with behavior and meltdowns so of course the sooner we can be away from the poking and prodding the better. This leaves us looking for somewhere to stay within 20 minutes of the hospital as they don’t want us back on the Gold Coast. Which is a huge frustration for me as I just want to go home with her!

All that aside,  really pleased with how she’s come through the surgery so far, bouncing back pretty quickly for her. Though she hasn’t said much since last Friday and I’m looking forward to hearing her babble again soon.

Finally resting today.
